Almost all data center industry experts agree that color-coding PDUs are valuable to operation and overall maintenance of your data center and connected equipment. The benefits of colored PDUs are:

  • Simplify data center operations: colored PDUs make it easy to identify redundant power sources for servers and critical IT equipment. This allows technicians to clearly identify which power source feeds the equipment, to take any confusion or hassle out of rack operations.
  • Increase reliability: colorizing redundant power sources makes it easy to identify voltage and power consumption in the data center power feeds, which makes load balancing and management more consistent.
  • Faster troubleshooting: when a data center power source fails, identifying the issue as quickly as possible is essential to ensure uptime of critical equipment. Colored PDUs make it easy for data center technicians to perform maintenance activities with less potential for human error.

The Problem

And while data center management professionals overwhelmingly agree that color coding redundant power sources in a data center cabinet is beneficial, there are still drawbacks associated with colorizing PDUs:

  • Increased cost: ordering custom colored PDUs is more costly than ordering standard colored (black) PDUs. While Enlogic is equipped to deliver custom powder-coated PDU chassis in nearly any color, the development and production effort associated with this is more costly than ordering a standard colored PDU.
  • Time constraints: additionally, preparing the custom color can be a timely process to develop, approve, and manufacture. Many times, this will create an additional 2-4 weeks of production lead time for the PDU, and typically, customers need their units in a shorter time period.
  • Ordering complexity: many data center professionals agree that it is critical to have additional, backup PDUs in stock in case of failure or for routine replacement. Stocking multiple colors and SKUs for each rack configuration reduces the flexibility of inventory on hand.

The Enlogic Solution

Enlogic’s EN2.0 PDUs offer the industry’s quickest, and most cost-effective solution that allows users to configure custom-colored PDUs. Our Patent Pending technology comes standard on all EN2.0 PDUs and allows users to customize and change the NMC color quickly and easily to differentiate redundant power sources, reduce human error, and simplify data center operations.

The NMC color is easily configured on the NMC interface or using Enlogic’s simple web interface. Users can select from any of the bright, highly visible NMC colors: blue, red, green, yellow, magenta, cyan, white, and black. Customization of your PDUs has never been easier with Enlogic’s EN2.0.  

However, for users who are still looking to further customize their PDU chassis with any of our custom powder-coated colors, Enlogic makes the process simple and streamlined with quicker lead times than competitors.

To learn more about the Patent Pending technology available on Enlogic’s EN2.0 PDUs contact Enlogic today.

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